Kemnay Academy student, 18-year-old Mani Fatemi, has successfully completed a six-month work placement with AIS Survivex as part of his Foundation Apprenticeship in Business Management.
Work placements are an essential part of the apprenticeship programme and give youngsters a real insight into the world of work, helping them to build invaluable business skills for the future.
AIS Survivex has a strong pedigree in supporting apprenticeships and takes on several apprentices annually across different areas of its business.
As part of Mani’s placement, he has been involved in supporting the bookings team and uploading delegates certificates once they have completed their courses.
Mani said: “The work experience I’ve had at AIS Survivex has been fantastic. I’ve been able to get involved in some really exciting projects which have helped me to improve my business skills.
I’d like to thank everyone at the company for making me feel so welcome and for helping me learn some important lessons about business and identify areas in which I want to build a career. It’s been an amazing experience and I’ve enjoyed every minute.”
Linzi Ryan, Head of Marketing at AIS Survivex, said: “We are passionate about encouraging apprenticeships and provide a supportive business environment where young talent can thrive.
“As well as enabling companies to grow in a cost-effective way, a good apprenticeship programme can have a huge impact on the lives of those individuals taking part by providing them with clear direction and invaluable experience with which to build a rewarding career.
“Mani has been a fantastic asset during his time with us and it has been great to see his skills and confidence develop over the past six months. I’m sure his future will be very bright and we wish him well with whatever career path he chooses to take.”