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Our Environmental, Social, and Governance commitment

At 3t, we embrace the core principles of integrity and accountability, and position our Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) responsibilities at the heart of our business.

Our aim is to ensure our ESG activity is relevant, transparent, and achievable to all stakeholders. Through our commitment to empowering people with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in our industries, we are focused on creating a sustainable future by providing innovative solutions to our customers around the world.

Our ESG strategy aims to encompass all areas of our business as well as support the industries we work in and stakeholders we work with:

Our commitment is to minimise our environmental impact and increase our transparency and accountability in all aspects of how we do business

We are committed to ensuring an inclusive, motivated  and competent workforce that is provided with a healthy and safe work environment and that is engaged  with the communities in which we work

We are ensuring that we operate to the highest ethical standards and that 3t is managed with the rigour required to meet stakeholder expectations

At 3t, we foster a culture of continuous improvement in ESG matters.


Our objective is to operate in harmony with the global environment and practice environmental protection as an integral part of the way that we do business. We work closely with communities, industry and our supply chain to achieve this, minimising the environmental impact of our products, premises, activities and developments. We commit to adopting more sustainable methods of materials and consumables, and to providing our colleagues with the right education to support positive action.


We are committed to promoting sustainability. Concern for the environment and promoting a broader sustainability agenda are integral to our professional activities. We aim to follow and to promote good sustainability practice, to reduce the environmental impacts of all our activities and to help our clients and partners to do the same.


We will ensure we operate an inclusive workplace in which our colleagues feel valued and supported to perform to the highest standard. We do this by ensuring we have a representative workforce, and providing equal opportunities to all of our colleagues. Everyone will be encouraged to develop to their full potential and the talents and resources of the workforce will be fully utilised to maximise the efficiency of our organisation, making 3t a great place to work.

Modern day slavery

We are committed to the highest level of ethical standards and sound governance arrangements and we set the highest standards of impartiality, integrity and objectivity in relation to the management of all of our activities. We fully support government objectives to eradicate modern slavery and human trafficking and we are committed to driving out acts of modern day slavery from within our own business and from within our supply chains. We acknowledge responsibility to the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and ensure transparency within the organisation and with suppliers of goods and services to the organisation.


We aim to conduct all aspects of our business in an honest and ethical manner at all times. We are committed to implementing effective systems to counter bribery. We act in accordance with the Bribery Act 2010 to maintain the highest possible standards of business practice and operate a ‘zero-tolerance’ policy to bribery.

Social Value Strategy

We recognise social value is more than just about how we provide social, economic and environmental benefits within the areas we work. Our approach to social value goes above and beyond and we work hard to provide long-term benefits and a lasting community legacy. We ensure that any initiative we undertake is supported through a strong network of local partners and providers. This allows us to make the best use of established local networks and ensures direct benefits to the local community and its residents.