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The carbon-zero driver for cloud-based simulated learning – by Clive Battisby

Clive Battisby, head of simulation for Drilling Systems, talks about the environmental benefit cloud-based simulators are providing for carbon zero agendas.

In this mini-series of blogs, head of simulation for 3t Energy Group, Clive Battisby talks about the rapid uptake of cloud-based simulators for in-house and commercial training organisations around the world.

Drilling Systems’ iSimulator range, which includes the popular iDrillSIM cloud-based drilling and well control simulator, has been one of training and competencies successes of the last 12 months. With both IADC and IWCF approval it quickly passed 12,000 hours of completed simulation.

Talking about the positive contribution cloud-based simulators are having to the carbon zero agenda, Clive said:“Training, refreshers and competencies all remain crucial despite Covid. The human factors element of de-risking a project still remains very real and so the requirement for training in these unusual times hasn’t diminished. Drilling Systems had been developing an online simulator to address the environmental impact of training, particularly in the context of travel, so we were able to launch our iDrillSIM cloud-based simulator very early in the pandemic.

“This virtual environment offers very real and immediate time and cost savings. Enabling students from around the world to “log in” to a virtual, cloud-based learning environment reduces travel, accommodation costs, and time. As the industry strives towards demanding carbon reduction targets any product that helps to reduce travel was always going to be supported. Indeed, it was too, with endorsements and accreditations from both IADC and IWCF.

“Cloud-based training solutions have been something of a success in the last year. Less than 12 months ago Drilling Systems launched “iDrillSIM” taking the industry-renowned software that powers our full-sized simulators and placing it in the cloud. This process proved an overnight success for us. What this translates to is 12,000 hours of learning completed entirely in the cloud. The carbon reduction maths quickly adds up with the reduction in travel alone – for example, if two people flew from Saudi Arabia to Houston for a course they personally would create 20kg of CO2e.

“Remember you can complete purchases for our cloud-based learning simulators entirely online* via our website. Click ‘buy now’ on the product page, follow the link, select the type of software license you would like and complete credit card details. If you would like to complete an order with alternative payment methods such as invoicing you can do this by emailing our sales team.”